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港大 9A 狀元 Ms Priscilla


學生最常混淆的英文字 - Would vs Used to? 一文極速解釋!

作家相片: Ms PriscillaMs Priscilla

繼上次 Will VS Would,第二個最常收到的問題就係 Would VS Used to 😖,咁岩今年大考我就有學生俾學校試巻陰到。嗱!如果你三秒內答唔出個分別,咁要睇埋落去!

💬 先講 Would 同 Used to 有咩共同之處!     ⁣


⭕ Both are used to talk about things in the past which we don't do now or are not happening now. 即係,兩個都係用黎講述發生喺以前,而現在已經唔再發生的事情!⁣

E.g. I used to live in Hong Kong, but I moved to London last year.⁣


E.g. When Peter was at school, he would play football every Saturday.⁣


💬 跟住就講下 Would 同 Used to 個分別啦!⁣

⭕ We use 'would' to describe actions or situations that were REPEATED again and again (in the past) ... ⁣

👉🏻 Would 適用於「會重覆的 (過去) 動作」⁣

⭕ We use 'used to' for both EXTENDED and REPEATED action or situation in the past ⁣

👉🏻 Used to 適用於「會重覆的 (過去) 動作」+ 「長期或不重覆的 (過去) 動作 / 屬 (過去) 狀態描述」⁣

✅ I used to live in Hong Kong, but I moved to London last year.⁣

❎ I would live in Hong Kong, but I moved to London last year. (不停住喺香港?住完再住?)⁣

✅ Jane used to hate her mum until she got married.⁣

❎ Jane would hate her mum until she got married. (憎完又憎?憎恨係內在感受,好難重覆憎人喎!)⁣

✅ When Peter was at school, he used to play football every Saturday.⁣

✅ When Peter was at school, he would play football every Saturday. (每週六都踢波,係 Repeated Action,OK!)⁣


🔆 𝟗𝐀 狀元 𝐓𝐢𝐩𝐬 🔆      ⁣

如果你揾齊唔同文法書的教法,可能會見到 past states / temporary states / past action at a specific time 類近的字眼,其實都係上面 Repeat or Not 的概念延伸出黎。怕煩怕亂的同學仔,可以先背熟上面簡單的 Repeat or Not 原則去作區分。驚用錯?可以 Comment/ DM 寫幾句俾 Missey 我睇睇岩唔岩!⁣



⭐ 中學補習課程

⭐ 成人英語課程


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🔥 S1-S6 English 英文課程 🔥

🔥 成人英語「學以自用」課程 🔥 ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣    ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣             ⁣    ⁣


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