【9A 狀元兼全職老師】Ms Priscilla 分享 DSE English Paper 2 作文卷你必須知的竅門:
目錄 (附範例)
議論文 Argumentative Essay
書信 Letter
計劃書 Proposal
演講辭 Speech
議論文 One-Sided Argumentative Essay
3正1反 (Counter-argument) + 1駁論 (Rebuttal);或
3反1正 + 1駁論
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Counter-argument + Rebuttal
3 個我方論點:
如果你贊成題目立場,你可以以 “Firstly / To begin with / First / My first (and most important point) is + Topic Sentence” 為引子,輔以現實生活的例子或相關的數據來加強你的論點。
在寫完第一個論點之後,記得開啟新的段落,使用提示字眼 “Secondly / Second / Next / Furthermore…” 提醒讀者你已經轉向下一個論點。
示範:Whether students should get tattoos or not?的第一個正方論據
1 個敵方論點 (Counter-argument):
議論文最重要的是要提供全面的論據,因此必須兼顧反方的論點,而不只是關注我方的論點。在轉換到反方論據時,可以使用以下轉折詞:“However / Nonetheless / On the flip side”,以提示讀者現在您將要談論反方的論點。
Some people argue that...
However, it could be argued that...
On the other hand...
Despite this, some may claim that...
Admittedly, there are some who believe that...
1 個駁論 (Rebuttal):
在 Rebuttal 部分,可以使用以下提示詞:
Nevertheless / Nonetheless / Despite this...
However, it is important to note that...
While this may be true, it is also important to consider...
Although it may seem that..., in reality...
It is easy to see why one might believe..., but upon closer examination...
示範:Whether students should get tattoos or not?的反方論點和駁論
書信 Letter
HKDSE English Paper 2 的書信型文體通常是
正式信函 Formal Letter,例如:Letter to the editor / Letter to the principal
非正式信函 Informal Letter,例如:Letter of advice / Letter to parents
正式信函 Formal Letter 需要注意的地方:
建議盡量避免使用縮寫,例如 I'm, you're, we're
當你知道收信人的姓名時,最好使用他們的姓氏,例如: Dear Mr. Li;但如果你不知道收信人的姓名,可以統稱為 Dear Sir / Madam
在書信的結尾中,你應該使用適當的問候語,如果你知道收信人的姓名,可以使用 Yours sincerely;但如果你不知道收信人的姓名,可以使用 Yours faithfully
首段示範:寫信 Letter to principal 建議取消考試
非正式信函 Informal Letter 需要注意的地方:
可以使用縮寫,例如 I'm, you're, we're
上款可以直呼其名,例如: Dear Jimmy, Dear mum, ...
下款可用 Best wishes / Love / Best regards / Cheers
首段示範:寫信 Letter to friend 游說朋友 take a gap year
計劃書 Proposal
Markers' Report 所述的考生經常忽略的地方:
提供詳細、具體的計劃細節,包括預算、時間表、目標對象 ...
按照格式要求,有時考卷會預先提供副標題 (Sub-heading) 給考生,但一般情況考生需要自己劃分計劃書的分部 (請見以下示範)
計劃書 Proposal 常見格式:標題及副標題
演講辭 Speech
活動開幕禮的致歡迎辭 Welcoming speech
致謝辭或祝辭 Thank-you speech, Farewell speech
早會致辭 Assembly speech
首段示範:科技創新活動開幕禮的致歡迎辭 Welcoming speech
尾段示範:致謝辭 Thank-you speech
構思演講辭時,考生必須確定演講的受眾 Target audience 及目的 Objective。有可能是向全班同學呼籲參加某項活動,或向老師表達謝意,或向參與活動的人士介紹某一議題
Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be here today.
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone, and thank you for being here.
I'm delighted/pleased/honored to have this opportunity to speak to you today.
I'd like to begin by thanking the organizers for inviting me to speak.
First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to...
I'm extremely grateful to...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank...
I cannot thank enough for...
Today, I would like to talk to you about...
The topic I want to address today is...
I'd like to take a few moments to discuss...
The purpose of my speech today is to...
It's important to remember that...
What's critical to understand is...
The key point is...
Let me emphasize that...
In conclusion/To conclude...
Thank you once again for the opportunity to speak.
I hope you found my speech informative/insightful/entertaining.
Thank you for your attention.
針對學生英文作文時的各類痛處,以下收輯了 Ms Priscilla 學習心得和解決方法,切忌錯過!