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港大 9A 狀元 Ms Priscilla


[神速改善英文作文] 即時剔走80%錯處!掌握Proofreading技巧!

作家相片: Ms PriscillaMs Priscilla

無論是舊制 HKCEE / HKALE 還是現時的 HKDSE,英文作文一直是本港學生的天敵,不少補習學生反映:無論如何付出,好似成效不大,每段都有老師用紅筆圈的或交叉的錯處。怎麼算呢?#讀書心得分享 #文憑試 #學英文

DSE 卷二 英文作文 Writing

以 DSE 準則而言,一篇好文章的三大準則是 Content + Language + Organization。

Language 可算是最容易改善的部份,只要記熟中一至中三學的文法規則便可!學生不難發現:老師打交叉的錯處經常是我們俗稱的 Careless Mistakes,即是學生寫的時候並不為意是錯文法的,但老師一用紅筆圏起就頓時明白了!Careless Mistakes 的出現,最主要是沒有記熟文法規則,或者完成作文後沒有預留 10 -20 mins Proofread 校對文章!

這篇 Blog 主要教大家如何善用 Proofreading 減少 Careless Mistakes。

綜合十多年的補習經驗,歸納了以下最常見的學生錯處,以後 Proofread 文章時要特別留意。謹記:Proofreading 是一門學問,學生不可單靠老師的紅筆,需自行 Proofread 每篇所寫的文章,日積月累,Proofreading 的功力漸見成熟,你就會發現 Careless Mistakes 已不知不覺遠離你了!


錯處 1 < Article - a, an, the >

(錯誤) The waiter needs to work until a last customer leaves.

(正確) The waiter needs to work until the last customer leaves.

(錯誤) HK people value reunification as important part of their Chinese traditions.

(正確) HK people value reunification as an important part of their Chinese traditions.

錯處 2 < Fragment / Incomplete SVO >

(錯誤) Since I want to lose weight.

(正確) Since I want to lose weight, I exercise.

(錯誤) Egg tarts and mahjong which embody the creative spirit of our city.

(正確) Egg tarts and mahjong, which embody the creative spirit of our city, are worth protecting.

錯處 3 < Number Agreement >

(錯誤) All students wrote high quality essay.

(正確) All students wrote high quality essays.

(錯誤) Many a men have tried but few men have succeeded.

(正確) Many a man has tried but few men have succeeded.

錯處 4 < Punctuation >

(錯誤) Take KFC as an example, the junk food it serves is unhealthy yet popular.

(正確) Take KFC as an example: the junk food it serves is unhealthy yet popular.

錯處 5 < Run-on >

(錯誤) I am writing to support the Government's choice, it should consider various ways to preserve our much-valued cultural heritage.

(正確) I am writing to support the Government's choice. It should consider various ways to preserve our much-valued cultural heritage.

錯處 6 < Redundancy 多餘 >

(錯誤) This newly proposed policy can help schools improve teaching quality, organize extra-curricular activities and hold inter-class singing contests. (歌唱比賽是課外活動的一種?!)

(錯誤) In my opinion, I think abortion must be banned.

(正確) In my opinion, abortion must be banned.

錯處 7 < Spelling >

(錯誤) Heather works as an amateur modal.

(正確) Heather works as an amateur model.

(錯誤) This page is intended to provide students with modal answers.

(正確) This page is intended to provide students with model answers.

(錯誤) Have you received the Principle's massage?

(正確) Have you received the Principal's message?

錯處 8 < Tenses >

(錯誤) I had a sneaking suspicion that they keep something back from me.

(正確) I had a sneaking suspicion that they were keeping something back from me.

錯處 9 < Active VS Passive Voice >

(錯誤) Mr Smith got no help from his wife, who preoccupied with the children.

(正確) Mr Smith got no help from his wife, who was preoccupied with the children.

錯處 10 < Word Choice >

(錯誤) Li Ka-shing is a self-centred person as he always feels confident about his decisions.

(正確) Li Ka-shing is a self-reliant person as he always feels confident about his decisions.

錯處 11 < Word Order >

(錯誤) I wonder what can I do.

(正確) I wonder what I can do.

錯處 12 < Subject-Verb Mismatch >

(錯誤) Growing up in Hong Kong, the blame culture has entrenched in their mind.

(正確) The blame culture has been entrenched in the mind of every teenager who grows up in Hong Kong.

錯處 13 < Part of Speech >

(錯誤) Over the past few months, teenagers have gained greater awareness of social unjust.

(正確) Over the past few months, teenagers have gained greater awareness of social injustice.

每完成一篇文章,按照上面列舉的常見錯誤逐句檢查,相信已經剔走約 80% 的錯處。當然,應試時,DSE 考生需要知曉各卷時間並預留約 5% 時間作 Proofreading。平日則勤有功,多練多做乃「王道」!

👉 想學更多作文實用技巧,上堂見啦!


(學生追問我答) 如何解決「每一行都有錯」這個長年毛病?

Missey 遇過有一類學生,他們的作文是基乎每次都會給學校老師用紅筆句句圈錯處⭕,接近每一行都有錯處,很明顯是有「中直譯英」或者「諗到咩就寫」或者「患 Google Translate 過度依賴症」等問題。根據我觀察,這類學生缺乏的除了是穩紮的基本功,當然就是 👉🏻self-check 能力 (自我校對)👈🏻。可悲的是,往往因為基本功和自我修正能力有限,只落得 [不停作文->交文->不停俾老師打紅圏->再作文->再交文->再打紅圏] 這個惡性循環的下場,結果是幾年過後依然毫無改善。⁣⁣



要解決「每一行都有錯」的長年毛病,最重要是學生自己去研究去了解為何你寫了這句出來 (🙄 別回答我說「純粹憑感覺」/「睇上黎幾岩牙」)。

請看以下的真實案例 (向右掃):

像 Missey 上述跟學生的 WhatsApp 對話,是要一步一步引導學生 (或自己,如果你沒有補習老師幫忙) 去分析句子如何寫出來、中間有否查字典、用了哪種文法、用了哪個依據才把句子組成。每一部份都要嘗試去質疑組成的邏輯或動機,逐一逐一去改進,改完又錯就重覆步驟,再引導再改。畢竟,要寫好一句英文句子,尤其是結構複雜的長句子,除了文法要對,還要用字精準,主句建構不亂寫等等等等 … 許多家長查詢課程時,只懂問有否教作文技巧?但其實,作文考的往往是綜合能力,除了落筆那下的技巧,基本功是缺一不可。 從今天起,別再靠「估估下」去組句子 (或者善用另一篇貼文所分享的【最完整50句型】)!勇於跳出自己的 comfort zone,多挑戰自己才得改善!

⭐ 中學補習課程

⭐ 成人英語課程


Ms Priscilla 由中文小學出身,初中被編輔導班,掌握學習秘訣和讀書良方後,幾年間擢升 9A 狀元,其後更於港大滿分畢業。逾 14 年全職教學,初高中補習屢獲好評,累積近半萬學生。將推出成人課程。⁣

🎊 好消息* 🎊⁣⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣👉🏻 中學網上課程學生破1000+ 👈🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

👉🏻「學以自用」成人英語課程準備推出 👈🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣

👉🏻 享退款保證,不設發問 Quota 👈🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣

👉🏻 預留學位者已破200+ 👈🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣

👉🏻 感激大家支持 👈🏻⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

*截至 10/9/2022


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